Re: "Flash"??

Alan (
Thu, 18 Aug 94 18:51:57 BST

> He also mentions a patch for in.talkd to prevent this program from working.
> He doesn't know of a source for the patch, etc, though.
> Has anyone seen this one? Anybody know the details?

Wasn't this one featured on here a little while back ?

This, from the header of flash.c

/* flash.c */
/* This little program is intended to quickly mess up a user's
   terminal by issuing a talk request to that person and sending
   vt100 escape characters that force the user to logout or kill
   his/her xterm in order to regain a sane view of the text.
   It the user's message mode is set to off (mesg n) he/she will
   be unharmed. 
   This program is really nasty :-)
   Usage: flash user@host

I have the program if you want to see it to formulate a patch or whatever,
(I think a patch exists somewhere but I don't *know* not being a sysadmin
I havent bothered to look it up :)

It really seems to be more nuisance value than anything else, although I 
suppose one could conceivably flash root and do something so fast that
itw ouldn't be immediately traceable (although of course noticeable ;)


     GE d? p c@ l u+ e++ m++(---) s+/+ n+ h f*(++) !g w(-) t-(+) r y?
    Alan "the" Horn  	|	--public key available upon request--
You gotta give, to live.| 	What is understood need not be discussed	|		 - Loren Adams